Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Twilight Tuesday: Why should it matter to other people if someone is obsessed with Twilight?

Twilight has become a huge phenomenon. Twilighters, Twi-hards, whatever you want to call them, are obsessed with Twilight. People like me for example. I am so obsessed with Twilight that I write this blog. Twilight is so important to the fans, they care about it A LOT. If someone loves Twilight so much, should other people care?

Today, my friend got mad at me because I was “too obsessed” with Twilight. Why does it matter to them if I am so obsessed? Should Twilighters’ friends get mad over an obsession? If they do, are they really friends? Why should it matter to other people what makes a Twilighter happy? Why should it bother them so much that they would actually begin to hate their friends? I mean, I can understand if that’s all they talk about and always change the subject to Twilight, but if its not like that, then why should it matter? If your friend gets mad at you for liking Twilight, are they really your friend? Friends should want their friends to be happy, and that means that they have a Twilight addiction or obsession, then just let it go.

And Twilighters, if people get mad over your obsession, don’t let it get to you. Its not worth it. If Twilight is part of who you are, don’t change that just because someone that you THOUGHT was your friend got mad about it, because chances are, they aren’t really your friend and they are just looking for a reason to get mad at you. So don’t let other people get to you.

Has this happened to you? Have your friends gotten mad over your obsession. How did you handle it?


Want to write for Bitten By Twilight?

Have you been bitten by Twilight? Do you like writing about news or articles related to the Twilight Saga? Then apply to write an article for Bitten by Twilight! Send me an email at bitten.bytwilight@yahoo.ca and tell me if you would like to write news articles, a special column and what days you would like to write on!


I am no way affiliated with Stephenie Meyer, Summit Entertainment, Chris Weitz or any part in the making of the movies. I am just a girl who LOVES the amazing books.