Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spotted: Cast filming parking lot scene!

Lainey Gossip has photos of the filming of New Moon's parking lot scene. Where Edward and Jacob are talking. A few pictures below

"Ready? They hate. But I enable.

Exclusive photos: Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart shooting scenes for New Moon together today along with the high school crew and a glimpse of Tayor Lautner too. Looks like they’re doing a much, much better job with the makeup this time around especially Pattinson’s Edward. Very pretty. He is a beautiful, beautiful boy. The hair. The hair is working.

Anyway, about this scene – supposedly in the parking lot of the school and there’s an intimate moment between Bella and Edward. Or something. "-Lainey Gossip, read story here

Happy Easter. Happy Passover!


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I am no way affiliated with Stephenie Meyer, Summit Entertainment, Chris Weitz or any part in the making of the movies. I am just a girl who LOVES the amazing books.