David Slade, the director of Eclipse, will not be directing Breaking Dawn. He will be direction a psychological horror called Cold Skin.
"According to Variety, Slade will direct the "Antarctic island-set horror/psychological thriller" Cold Skin, adapting author Albert Sanchez Pinol's Spanish bestseller of the same title. 28 Weeks Later co-writer Jesus Olmo is scripting.
"'David was always our first choice for Cold Skin because he knows how to handle the psychological horror, and he's CG savvy as well," says Denise O'Dell, who's producing the film for the Spanish and French-based company Kanzaman."-Fearnet see the whole article HERE
Well, at least we know the special effects on this one, along with New Moon, will be better than Twilight, because it says "he's CG savvy as well". Thats good. I wonder who will direct Breaking Dawn.
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