Sunday, May 17, 2009

Changing Face of Forks because of Twilight

Since Twilight was such a success, fans flock to Forks, WA, to see the place where the story takes place. Forks recognizes all of these fans.
"Visitors can pick up a colorful map of the action sites in the book and go off on a self-guided tour, hoping to catch sight of the occasional vampire (on a cloudy day) or a werewolf (non-seasonal).
Their fantasy is fed by the Chamber of Commerce-run Visitor Information Center, where mail for the vampire Cullen family is being saved and where props for exciting photos are treasured and shared.
Directions to other activities and information on Olympic National Park, the former big draw, are offered as well.
Residents are showing a tolerant, slightly amused face to visitors and often recognize the plight of their photo-happy visitors and offer to snap a picture of a group of tourists."


Want to write for Bitten By Twilight?

Have you been bitten by Twilight? Do you like writing about news or articles related to the Twilight Saga? Then apply to write an article for Bitten by Twilight! Send me an email at and tell me if you would like to write news articles, a special column and what days you would like to write on!


I am no way affiliated with Stephenie Meyer, Summit Entertainment, Chris Weitz or any part in the making of the movies. I am just a girl who LOVES the amazing books.