Monday, May 4, 2009

Would Ryan Reynolds make a good Garrett for BD?

The examiner has an article on whether or not Ryan Reynolds would make a good Garrett for Breaking Dawn. Here is what they said:

"These fans say that Reynolds would be absolutely perfect for the small, but significant, role of Garrett, the wandering nomad who comes to the side of the Cullens in their time of need.

Jolly, olive-skinned, and observant, Garrett's character is [*spoiler*] a sort of speech-giving savior to the Cullens in Breaking Dawn with the Renesmee situation. Standing up to the Volturi, this somewhat messy wanderer has to use his words to save the day.

With Reynolds, we all know that he is a fast-talking, speech-wielding know-it-all type in most of his films, but he can also pull of some rather intense scenes as well." -The Examiner, Read the full story HERE


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I am no way affiliated with Stephenie Meyer, Summit Entertainment, Chris Weitz or any part in the making of the movies. I am just a girl who LOVES the amazing books.