Friday, May 29, 2009

MTV Movie Awards Seating

As Frankie wandered among the sea of white cardboard placards – each bearing a photo and the name of a star – several potential storylines emerged:

-Coolest pairing? My money is on Anna Faris and Taylor Lautner – both super-cool celebs, something tells me they’d have some fun conversations.

-King and Queen of the ball? Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart have the best seats in the house, right near the front in the center. My, how far the “Twilight” stars have come.

-“Twilight” stars Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene are sitting next to Sandra Bullock. Maybe they’ll pitch her on an “Eclipse” cameo?

Read the whole article HERE

What do you think of the pairings? I wonder why Taylor isn't with Rob and Kristen. You'd think they'd put all the Twilight stars together.

Why would they put Taylor next to Anna Faris?


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I am no way affiliated with Stephenie Meyer, Summit Entertainment, Chris Weitz or any part in the making of the movies. I am just a girl who LOVES the amazing books.